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Office Hours:
Monday to Friday, 9am – 12noon
(08) 8271 7066

27 Sussex Terrace, Hawthorn, Adelaide SA 5062

Westbourne Park Uniting Church is located near Brown Hill Creek, Clapham, Kingswood, Lower Mitcham, Lynton, Mitcham, Netherby, Springfield, Torrens Park, Clarence Gardens, Clarence Park, Colonel Light Gardens, Cumberland Park, Daw Park, Goodwood, Hyde Park, Kings Park, Malvern, Millswood, Panorama, Parkside, Unley, Unley Park, Wayville and Westbourne Park.


We believe that everything we have is from God. He made us, and he made the world – so all of our skills, abilities, resources and finance came from Him. Throughout the Bible, God encourages His people to have a generous heart, not because he needs our skills, abilities, resources, but because he knows it’s good for us. There is plenty of ways that we, as follows of Christ, can support the church and the community, and financial giving is just one.

BSB: 035-044    Account Number: 177350    Reference: Offering
Account Name: Westbourne Park Uniting Church

Go to your normal internet bank website or app and setup a regular scheduled transaction, or make a one-off direct deposit. You could use your banking app each week in church during the offering, if you prefer to manually tithe, but still electronically.


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