Our vision is to be a vibrant, growing community who know Jesus and make him known.

Our vision statement describes the community we are becoming. We seek a vibrancy that comes only from the presence of Jesus – as he is worshipped and obeyed. John 7:37b-39 says, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let anyone who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ‘Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.”

Our aim is to come to Jesus and drink deeply of the life he offers. This nourishes us then becomes a source of life to all whom we meet.

Our aim is to grow. We grow numerically as people come for those life-giving rivers. We also acknowledge the call as disciples to grow to maturity in Christ. The Apostle Paul talks about us having the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. He called us to become like Christ in our thinking and our being.

We are called into community – the Body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body and the members belong to him and one another. Every member is given a gift(s) by the Holy Spirit and called to exercise that for the good of all. Our community is one of grace, where forgiveness is received and offered. It is a community where the fruit of the Spirit is seen and enjoyed.

We seek to know Jesus more and more. Jesus is our beginning and our end, the author and the perfecter of our faith. We are followers of Jesus and his cross is our sign. By knowing him we mean we are in relationship with him. We know about him but more than that; we know him as friend, Lord and saviour. We commit to know him more through prayer, bible study, worship, fellowship with our Christian and service to the wider community.

One of our prime responsibilities and joys in life is to make Jesus known to those who are yet to know him as the Son of God. The Apostle Paul says that we have the ministry of reconciliation – as though God were making his appeal through us so that all might find peace with God (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). To do this we must known our own faith story.

1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

We also make Jesus known by living with justice, peace and love – characteristics at the heart of God.


We are part of the Uniting Church in Australia. 

We’re passionate about knowing Jesus and making him known.

Westbourne Park Uniting Church is part of the greater Uniting Church in Australia. The Uniting Church is made up of a series of inter-related councils — local churches, regional presbyteries, state synods, and the national Assembly. Each council has its distinct tasks, and each council recognises the limits of its responsibilities in relation to other councils. Read More.

The Uniting Church is a young church – formed on 22 June 1977, when the Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches united to become one. The Basis of Union is the document which affirms our Christian faith and is the guide to what is central to the life of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Read the Basis of Union here.


Rev David Hoffman

Youth Pastor
Isobel Yeend

Children & Family Pastor
Eve Rogers

Children & Family Pastor
Emma Rundle

Office Administrator
Laurena Apollonio

Ministry Support People

Laurena Apollonio

Bill Shepherd

Eric Mapp

Youth & Young Adults
Isobel Yeend

Pastoral Care
Jenny Carver

Children & Families
Eve Rogers

Children & Families
Emma Rundle

Bart Bruehler

Elders and Church Council

Chair of Church Council: Paul Schwarz
Chair of Congregation: Alan Waldron

Annie Maschmedt

Cate Sexton

Catherine Bottrill

Daniel Halman

Emma Strelan

James Loveday

Jenny Carver

Jess Dowd

Julie Potts

Marilyn Worley

Nathan Cartledge

Paul Schwarz

Peter Hedger

Tammy Dispain